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Yoga Teacher

Corporate Yoga 

Feel the power of yoga in the workplace and reap the endless benefits. Incorporating yoga into the workplace can contribute to a healthier, happier and more productive work environment. Our fun and accessible classes incorporates various methods of yoga to rejuvenate your workforce. You can expect, fun playful sequences along with guided relaxation to ease tension and create an overall sense of well-being. 

Key Benefits of Yoga in the Workplace 

Attracting and Retaining Staff


Having an appealing wellness plan in place within your company can make all the difference in the choice the employee takes when coming to work for your company. In todays modern work environment, culture, environment and workplace benefits can be some of the key criteria candidates choosing to work with your brand.  Employees that feel valued are more likely to be loyal to their employers


Higher Performance


The full practice of yoga (including breath work, meditation and mental focus) has profound effects on the brain, improving cognitive function, neuroplasticity and enhancing mental agility. It is a valuable tool for maintain and improving brain health 


Increased energy and vitality


Yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation techniques can boost energy levels, combat fatigue and promote a sense of vitality throughout the workday


Stress Reduction / Less Sick Days 


Over half of employees sick days are stress related, yoga is scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Physical fitness is also proven to strengthen the immune system and build resilience. through yoga, individuals develop mental resilience and adaptability to handle workplace challenges and changes more effectively. Stress relief is one of the key benefits of yoga, it reduces your heart rate, blood pressure and lowers anxiety levels


Mindfulness + Self-Awareness - Communication 


Yoga Promotes mindfulness, self-reflection and self awareness, enabling individuals to manage emotions, improve communication and enhance interpersonal relationships at work 


Improved Focus + Concentration 


Regular yoga practice enhances mental clarity, focus and concentration, leading to increased productivity and better decision making 


Team Building + Morale


Group yoga sessions foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, creating a positive work environment and boosting employee morale 


The Next Step to incorporating Yoga within your workplace...

Arrange an initial consultation with us to discuss logistics within your business and how we can incorporate yoga into your business. We work with offices around the country and and the experience to make it fit in your environment


Lets Work Together

Send us a quick message and one of our friendly team will get back to you 

07912 860763 

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